Thursday 30 November 2017

Potato Curry


Indian style potato curry or aloo curry is another Indian dish that I made recently. Simple and easy, and suitable to be eaten with roti paratha or naan. This potato curry can be made in less than 30 minutes. With sauce or without sauce, adding green peas or carrot, either way this dishes are delicious.

Let's have a potato curry for dinner and enjoy the Indian dishes!



2-3 potatoes, cut into small cubes
1 onion, chopped
1 tomato, chopped
1 teaspoon masala powder
1/2 teaspoon coriander powder
1/2 teaspoon chilli powder
1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder
Salt and pepper to taste


- Heat up some oil in a saucepan and fry onion until fragrant and soft.
- Add chopped tomatoes, masala, coriander, chilli and turmeric powder and cook for a couple of minutes.
- Add in potatoes and a cup of water, continue to cook for 10-15 minutes or until the potatoes are tender.
- Season with salt and pepper, add more water if needed and cook until it reaches desire consistency.

Bon appetit!

Wednesday 29 November 2017



E tempo di mangiare tiramisù, è delizioso! Woof, what a language! I love to hear people talk in Italian and I would like to learn this language one day. Italian language is so beautiful with its dulcet tones and smooth flowing and even hand do the talking. Che magnifico!

Okay, now back to the food, I've made Italian popular dessert, tiramisu few days ago since I was thinking of making this dessert all week long and here I am, eggless tiramisu cake with amaretto. E fantastico e lo adoro!


35-40 ladyfingers
500g mascarpone
200ml heavy cream
200g sugar
11/2 cup brewed coffee
4 tablespoon amaretto
Cocoa powder for dusting


- Prepare the brewed coffee and add 2 tablespoon amaretto, allow to cool.
- In a large bowl, mix heavy cream and sugar, whisk until it forms soft peaks.
- In another large bowl, whisk mascarpone just to soften a bit.
- Fold whipping cream into mascarpone and add another 2 tablespoons amarettto, mix well.
- Dip ladyfingers quickly into the coffee and arrange in a bottom of baking pan or glass.
- Spread half of the mascarpone on top and layer with another ladyfingers .
- Spread remaining mascarpone and dust with cocoa powder.
- Refrigerate at least 8 hour or overnight and dust with another cocoa powder before serving.

Buon appetito!

Monday 27 November 2017

Indonesian Sambal

Selamat sore or good evening!

When I was working in the hotel industry long time ago, I had many friends from different country working at the same department with me. I had one Indonesian friend who taught me how to make Indonesian style sambal. Sambal is a spicy chilli paste made with assorted chilli, shallot, garlic, prawn paste and salt and sugar. Sambal is popular in Indonesia and Malaysia. We eat sambal with the main meal as a side dishes and some people could eat sambal all the time and without sambal on the side, the meal seems not complete.

There are many types of sambals with slightly different ingredients but this is my most favourite sambal recipe and also favourite to my family and I made it every time we had a family gathering.



2 tomatoes, cut into small pieces
4 big red chilli, sliced
4-5 small chilli, sliced
3-4 shallots, sliced
1 clove garlic, sliced
1/2 teaspoon prawn paste
Salt and sugar to taste


- Heat up about 1/4 cup oil in a medium saucepan.
- Add all ingredients except salt and sugar, cook for 5-10 minutes or until the chilies and tomatoes are soften.
- Remove from heat, season with salt and sugar.
- Blend or pound everything into fine or coarse paste, I prefer my sambal a bit coarse and wetter.
- This sambal goes well with rice and any fried food!

Bon appétit!

Saturday 25 November 2017

Banana Blondies


One simple and easy recipe that I want to make again in the future is banana blondies. I made this cake few days ago to finish up my ripe banana and at the same time to serve to our friend coming over to spend an afternoon tea at home. I found this recipe on pinterest while I'm searching for another simple banana recipe. One sliced of this blondies was simply not enough and it was a great recipe indeed.

There are so many blondies recipe out there but either way, even without banana, they were delicious!



120g salted butter, melted and browned if desired
100g brown sugar
1 egg
150g flour
2 mashed banana

Brown sugar frosting;
60g butter
50g brown sugar
2 tablespoon milk
150g powder sugar


- Preheat oven 180° and prepare baking pan.
- In a medium bowl, combine melted browned butter and sugar and whisk until combined.
- Beat in egg and mix well.
- Stir in flour and mash banana until smooth and well blended.
- Pour batter in a prepared pan and bake for 20-25 minutes or until skewer comes out clean.

For the brown sugar frosting;
- Melt butter in a medium saucepan and add sugar and milk. Stir until the mixture just come to boil.
- Remove from heat and allow to cool.
- Add in powdered sugar and whisk until the frosting is smooth.
- Spread over the blondies and allow frosting to cool completely before serve.

Happy baking!

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Spicy Fruit Salad


Spicy fruit salad or we called it "rojak" one of the popular salad in certain country like Singapore and Indonesia. Rojak means everything is mixed up in one bowl with assorted fruits and vegetable like pineapple, cucumber, mango, apple, beansprouts and served with special homemade rojak sauce. My mom loves these spicy fruit salad and I used to make in a big portion for her, so she can keep in the fridge and eat whenever she wants.

This rojak taste quite unique and special, some people might not like it but for those who like to discover Asian food, these spicy fruit salad is a must try!



4 tablespoon dark soy sauce
4 tablespoon sweet chilli sauce
1 teaspoon chilli paste or chilli powder
2 tablespoon palm sugar/ brown sugar
2 tablespoon water
1/2 teaspoon prawn paste, optional
Sugar to taste
Sesame seed
Crushed peanut
Assorted fruits and vegetable (pineapple, mango, cucumber, beansprouts, fried tofu etc..)


- To make the sauce, mix all ingredients in a saucepan except cornflour paste, peanuts, sesame seeds and fruits.
- Bring to boil over low heat and stirring constantly until the sauce thickens slightly. Add more sugar if needed.
- Remove from the heat and add in sesame seeds, allow to cool.
- Cut all the fruits into bite-size and mix all together.
- Pour the sauce over the fruit and toss gently to mix well.
- Sprinkle with crushed peanut and serve.

Bon appétit!

Thursday 16 November 2017

Pain Perdu


It's been quite long time since I made French toast or pain perdu and I've made it for our breakfast this morning. Every time I watch a French cooking shows, it just make me want to cook right away and sometimes French cooking are simple and all the ingredients are cheap. Just like these pain perdu, it was so easy to make, the French desserts are always tempting, so good and it's always hard to resist.



4 sliced bread or brioche
1 egg
100ml milk
100ml heavy cream/ cream liquid
1 tablespoon sugar
1 vanilla pod/ vanilla sugar or vanilla essence
Butter for greasing


- Beat egg, sugar and vanilla in shallow dish and stir in milk and cream.
- Deep bread in the egg mixture for a few second and turning to coat both sides.
- Heat the nonstick pan and lightly greased with butter.
- Cook bread sliced until browned on both sides.
- Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve with butter.

Bon appétit!

Monday 13 November 2017

Tomato Rice


Just like potato, rice is one of the most important staple food in Asia and certain country in the world. Cooking rice is not complicated and there are so many rice recipes that we could easily find in the internet. From plain rice, fried rice and butter to tomato rice, all these rice are so easy to cook. If there are something to impress our dinner guests, these butter rice and tomato rice are perfect and I've made it quite often. Easy yet delicious!



2 cups rice, rinse before cooking
2 shallots, sliced
2 cloves garlic, sliced
1cm ginger, sliced
1 cinnamon stick
1 star anise
1 cardamom
2 cups water
1/4 cup evaporated milk
2 tomatoes, chopped
2 tablespoon ketchup
2 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoon oil
Salt to taste


- Heat up butter and oil in the rice cooker pot or saucepan and fry shallot, garlic and ginger and the other 3 spiced until fragrant.
- Add water, evaporated milk, tomato, ketchup and salt. Bring to boil.
- Add rice, stir and transfer the pot to the rice cooker, press and let the rice cook itself.
- Cook the rice over low heat if using saucepan and cover with a lid when water is almost dry. Cook until the rice are fully cooked, switch off the heat and wait for 10-15 before serving.

Bon appétit!

Saturday 11 November 2017

Muesli Cookies


Whenever I'm searching for the cookies recipe in the internet, I tried to find the eggless recipe where the cookies made with the simple ingredients that I usually have it at home. Muesli cookies are one of the simple and easy cookies that I made today and these cookies are perfect for an afternoon tea. Sometimes making cookies can never go wrong by just adding some other ingredients like maple syrup, chocolate chips or milk. Everything is depends on individual taste and preferences.

The last time I made these muesli cookies during Halloween and we gave out these cookies for the parents who supervise their kids on candy collecting mission. We are so happy that night where everything was finish, candies and cookies..



1 cup muesli
1 cup flour
1/2 cup raisin or chocolate chips, optional
70g salted butter, melted
1/2 cup brown sugar


- Preheat oven 170° and prepare baking dish.
- Mix together melted butter and sugar in a mixing bowl.
- Add muesli, flour and raisin and mix to form a crumbly dough.
- Take a small portion and press to form a ball and flatten it a bit.
- Arrange on the prepared baking dish with 2cm apart and bake for 12-15 minutes or until the cookies are evenly brown.

Happy baking!

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Lao-Style Spicy Cucumber Salad


I remember eating salads quite often when I was in Laos few years ago. Papaya and cucumber salad are my favourite among other wonderful Laotion salad. Lao-style cucumber salad or called as tum mark dang is delicious and it's perfect to eat with sticky rice. Steamed sticky rice is a staple dish for Laotion and these dish available almost everywhere in Laos.

I've made Lao-style cucumber salad and steamed sticky rice this afternoon just because I craved for these dish since last month. It feels so good to get the tastes of Lao dish once in a while.



1 cucumber
1 tomato or cherry tomatoes, sliced
1 clove garlic
1-2 Thai chillies
1 tablespoon palm sugar/ brown sugar
1 tablespoon lime juice
1/4 teaspoon shrimp paste
Fish sauce to taste


- Peel the cucumber and shredded, set aside.
- Place the garlic, chillies, sugar, lime juice and shrimp paste in the mortar and pound roughly.
- Add the shredded cucumber and tomatoes and gently pound and stir through with the pestle and spoon. I pound little by little because I had a small mortar.
- Season with fish sauce and add more lime juice if needed and gently mix everything.
- Serve with sticky rice and green salad.

Bon appétit!

Monday 6 November 2017

Seafood Gratin


When we were in Asia few months back, mon mari has made a seafood gratin for my birthday dinner with all the family member. What can I say, everyone in the family gives him thumps up because the food was really delicious. I recently asked him to make seafood gratin again and again because sometime I craving for food with specific texture like crunchy, soft and creamy, and this seafood gratin now is one of my favourite dish.



400g fresh seafood (prawns, mussels, scallops, squid and fish)
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 shallot, chopped
1cm ginger, chopped
1 red chilli, chopped
1 carrot, julienne
2 cup button mushroom, sliced
1 leek, sliced
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons flour
1- 1 1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup bread crumbs
Salt and pepper to taste


- Preheat oven 180°.
- In a large saucepan, heat up some olive oil and fry garlic, shallot, ginger and chilli until fragrant.
- Add in carrot, mushroom and leeks, and cook until the vegetables are softened but not completely cooked. Season with salt and pepper.
- Transfer the vegetables in a baking dish, set aside.
- Use the same saucepan, heat some oil and cook all the seafood for a couple of minutes. Season with salt and pepper.
- Transfer the seafood and mix well with the vegetables in the baking dish. Set aside.

To prepare the sauce;
- Melted butter in a saucepan and add flour, continue stirring and pouring the milk little by little.
- Season with salt and pepper and keep stirring for a couple of minutes or until the sauce has thickened slightly.
- Pour the sauce on the vegetables seafood mixture and mix everything well.
- Sprinkle with bread crumbs on top and bake for 40-50 minutes or until the bread crumbs turned golden brown.

Bon appétit!

Thursday 2 November 2017

Stir Fried Pak Choy

Ni hao,

Pak choy or choy sum is a Chinese green vegetables that we can easily find in Asia but not in our area here. Whenever we go to Asian grocery store, I'm sure will buy some because sometime these green vegetables are not always available. Cooking pak choy are easy and with a quick stir-fry, we have a great meal in just a few minute.

Most of the Chinese recipes are quick and easy to prepare and less ingredients needed, but the result turnout great.



5-6 heads pak choy, cleaned, trimmed and separate the leaves
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon cornstarch, dissolved with little water
Salt and pepper to taste
A few drop of sesame oil


- Heat up some oil in a wok or saucepan and fry garlic until fragrant.
- Add pak choy, oyster sauce, soy sauce and season with salt and pepper.
- Stir until coated and toss for a minute.
- Add cornstarch mixture and stir-fry for another minutes.
- Add a few drop of sesame oil and dish out.

Bon appétit!

Happy New Year 2024

 Hello,  Well, just a short update to wish everyone a very happy new year 2024.  Wishing everyone a joyous new year full of love, hope and p...

About Me

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Salut, je suis une personne ouverte et facile à vivre! I love cooking and spending time in the kitchen. Although I love to cook, I'm still learning a lot by watching cooking shows and reading cookbooks. Since cooking is my passion, I also love to sharing it with others and learning new things every day in every way. For me, home cooking should be simple, easy yet so tasty.