Sunday 26 April 2020

Mango Mousse


Another quick and easy dessert I made recently was mango mousse, just three ingredients and I had my lovely mango mousse ready in less than 15 minutes. There maybe many quick and easy dessert out there but for me, I could't think of any other easiest dessert than these mango mousse.

When mangoes are in season, why don't try to make these mango mousse, so easy yet so yummy yummy!



1/2 mango, puree
200ml heavy cream
2 tablespoon sugar


- Place heavy cream and sugar in a mixing bowl.
- Use a stand or hand mixer, beat the cream until stiff peaks foam.
- Fold in mango puree and mix well.
- Divide the mousse into individual glasses, cover and keep in the fridge until ready to eat.

As simple as that, mango mousse are ready, enjoy!

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Salut, je suis une personne ouverte et facile à vivre! I love cooking and spending time in the kitchen. Although I love to cook, I'm still learning a lot by watching cooking shows and reading cookbooks. Since cooking is my passion, I also love to sharing it with others and learning new things every day in every way. For me, home cooking should be simple, easy yet so tasty.