Saturday 9 September 2017

Prawn Vindaloo


Prawn vindaloo is one of popular dish in certain Indian restaurant and I remember I order prawn vindaloo everytime we go out for Indian cuisine when I was working in Laos few years back. That was a great moment and I am glad that I had such a great experience living in another foreign country for an extended period of time.

Now, ever since I moved here, I realized that I didn't have a chance to eat more Indian cuisine as much as I did before. Here, even though we had been to Indian restaurant quite some time and enjoyed the food but they are just not the same anyway.

Therefore, whenever I crave for Indian food, I will do home-style Indian cooking at home. Prawn vindaloo is one of that dish and this recipe I found from pinterest.



300g prawns, with or without shelled
1 onion, chopped
4 cloves
1 sprig curry leaves
2 tomatoes, chopped
4-6 dried red chillies, soak in hot water
4 cloves garlic
2cm ginger
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
1/2 teaspoon blackpepper powder
1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
2 tablespoons white vinegar
Salt and sugar to taste


- In a blender or food processor, blend together tomatoes, dried chillies, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, cumin, blackpepper and turmeric into a smooth paste. Set aside.
- Heat oil, about 4 tablespoon in a saucepan and fry onion and cloves until fragrant and brown colour.
- Add curry leaves and tomato chilli paste, fry for a couple of minutes.
- Add a cup of water and let it simmer, cook for another 5-6 minutes.
- Add vinegar, salt and sugar, mix well.
- Lastly add in prawns and cook until the prawns are well cooked.
- Serve with naan bread or rice.

Bon appétit!

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Salut, je suis une personne ouverte et facile à vivre! I love cooking and spending time in the kitchen. Although I love to cook, I'm still learning a lot by watching cooking shows and reading cookbooks. Since cooking is my passion, I also love to sharing it with others and learning new things every day in every way. For me, home cooking should be simple, easy yet so tasty.