Tuesday 9 July 2019

Stir Fried Okra With Egg


Okra or ladies' fingers or in Malay we called "bendi" has become one of my favourite vegetables lately. The easiest way to cook okra is stir fry because these vegetables are slimy or gooey when it cooked. To avoid okra from gets slimy, okra needs to be perfectly wash and dry before slice it and stir fry and cook over high heat just for a couple of minutes.

I've been asked by someone in the market not long ago on how to cook okra. I've explained it pretty clear how to prepare okra in the first place before cook it. This is my way of preparing and cooking okra, after all everyone has their on way on how they do things.



A bunch of okras, wash and dry
2 cloves garlic, sliced
1 small chili, chopped
1 egg
Salt and pepper to taste


- Slice okras into small pieces.
- Heat little oil in a pan or wok and fry garlic and chili until fragrant.
- Add the egg and stir quickly until just set.
- Add okras, season with salt and pepper and quickly stir fry over high heat for a couple of minutes.

Bon appetit!

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Salut, je suis une personne ouverte et facile à vivre! I love cooking and spending time in the kitchen. Although I love to cook, I'm still learning a lot by watching cooking shows and reading cookbooks. Since cooking is my passion, I also love to sharing it with others and learning new things every day in every way. For me, home cooking should be simple, easy yet so tasty.