Sunday 14 August 2016

Kek Batik


It has been some time since I made batik cake and today I made this cake again to fulfill my cravings. Kek batik is something I miss terribly and these cake doesn't need to be a fancy or complicated thing to do, just a simple cake and something to satisfy my sweet tooth. Argh, it feels so good now...

I still remember the last time I made kek batik, most of my friends likes these kind of cake, I do too! A simple and light cake, not to heavy and suitable for those who love chocolate.



200g butter
1 can of condensed milk (or less)
200g chocolate milk powder
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
2 packets of 'petit beurre'/butter biscuits (200g) broken into small piece


- Prepare baking pan, greased with butter or lined with plastic or aluminium foil to be easy to take it out.
- Melt butter in a saucepan over low heat and add condensed milk.
- Add in chocolate milk powder and cocoa powder, continue to stir until the mixture smooth and no lumps.
- Turn off the fire and add the biscuits. Stir with wooden spoon until biscuits are well coated.
- Pour the mixture into prepare pan and press the mixture. It should feel firm.
- Cover the top with plastic and chill in the refrigerator for at least 4-5 hour before serve.

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Salut, je suis une personne ouverte et facile à vivre! I love cooking and spending time in the kitchen. Although I love to cook, I'm still learning a lot by watching cooking shows and reading cookbooks. Since cooking is my passion, I also love to sharing it with others and learning new things every day in every way. For me, home cooking should be simple, easy yet so tasty.