Thursday 17 July 2014

Eggless Caramel Custard


I have made the Eggless Caramel Custard or Creme Caramel Eggless yesterday afternoon and  they turned out well. Pretty good for my first attempt. An eggless version of creme caramel custard that's cooked over the stove and chilled for few hours and served cold. Just as simple as that.

This recipe needed agar agar powder which we can find in Asian shop here. Here's the recipe of Eggless Caramel Custard/ Creme Caramel Eggless



4 cups water
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon agar agar powder
1 teaspoon vanila extract
1 can evaporated milk
2 tablespoon custard powder

For Caramel:
1/2 cup sugar
3 tablespoon water


- To make caramel, heat sugar and water for caramel in a sauce pan on medium heat. Let until the color golden brown and sugar melt.
- Pour the caramel into pudding mould and keep aside.
- In a bowl, mix custard powder and evaporated milk and stir until custard powder dissolved.
- In other pot, mix water, sugar, agar agar powder and vanila extraxt and bring to boil for 4-5 minutes.
- In the low heat, add the custard mixture and keep stirring for another 3-4 minutes.
- Remove from heat and pour the custard into prepared caramel mould.
- Allow to cool and refrigerate for few hours.

Voila, bon appetit!

Monday 14 July 2014

Dry Butter Prawn


Bonne fête nationale à tous les Français et Françaises. Aujourd'hui je vous propose cette recette aux crevettes. J'dore les crevettes au beurre.

Usually I prefer to order dry butter prawn whenever I eating in restaurant. This butter prawn quite special because of the egg floss and curry leaves and the taste is simply amazing.

Voici la recette..



300gm medium prawns
3 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 egg yolks, beaten lightly
2 tablespoon evaporated milk or demi cream milk
4 cloveas garlic, minced
3-4 bird eyes chilli, cut small
3-4 spring curry leaves
Salt, pepper and sugar to taste


- Fried prawn until golden brawn. Set aside.
- To make the egg floss: Melt butter and oil on the medium heat.
- Pour egg yolks bit by bit while stirring with swirling movement and stir until the egg floss become light brown and golden crisp floss.
- There will be a bubbles and after drain the egg floss on paper towel.
- Remove the acess oil and melt a little bit butter and sauté garlic, chilli and curry leaves until fragrant.
- Add milk, prawns and seasoning, mix well.
- Dish up and sprinkle the egg floss on top.

Voila, bon appatit!

Thursday 10 July 2014

Crepe with Coconut Filling (Kuih Lenggang)


Kuih Lenggang or Kuih Ketayap in Malaysia is one of the traditional sweet and savory dessert can be found almost everywhere in Malaysia. 'Kuih' in Malay can be anything like traditional cake, pudding, pastries and everyhing that's served cold or warm and crispy or soft also called kuih. 'Kuih Lenggang' describes the swaying movement when the batter spread on the pan and the crepes roll should be soft. It's just simple as that. Basically this kuih lenggang is a crepe and roll with sweet coconut filling.

I'm not really a big fan of these kuih but mon mari and our friends really liked Kuih Lenggang. So, here's the recipe:


For Batter:
2 cups flour
1 egg
1 1/2 cup water
2 tablespoon vegetable oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pandan paste
Few drop of green food coloring

For Filling:
150gm grated dry coconut
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup water


- To make a filling: Boil water and sugar until sugar dissolved.
- Add coconut and keep stirring until the filling almost dry. Let cool and set aside.
- To make the batter: Mix all the batter ingredients and whisk slowly until it become a smooth batter.
- Add a little more water if the batter is too thick.
- Heat the non stick pan and pour a scoop of batter and sway the pan to spread the batter around.
- Remove when both side are cooked.
- Put some coconut on the crepe and roll up like to make a spring roll.
- Make it until finish and served.

Bon appetit!

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Garlic Ginger Prawn with Soba Noodles

Bonsoir a tous,

Noodles with garlic and ginger is a simple, fast and very tasty dish that fits equally as a main dish for lunch or dinner at home. They are simple to make with only requires a few ingredients, minimal preparation time and great results also great paired with other dishes.

Actually I prefer to cook prawns with shell on because when the shell is off and when the prawn is cooked, it'll become a little bit hard and lose all its juices. To cooked prawns at home is better taste like the prawns you'd get from restaurant or sometime the taste even more better than restaurant.

The recipe as below:



1 packet dry soba noodles
300gm prawns
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 shallot, minced
2cm fresh ginger, minced
1 teaspoon sesame seeds
Salt and pepper to taste
Oil for frying


- Cook the noodles following packet direction. Drain and keep aside.
- Heat a little oil in frying pan and cook prawns for a minute.
- Add garlic, shallot and ginger and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes more.
- Season with salt and pepper and cook until golden and the prawns cooked through.
- Turn off the heat and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
- Serve over the soba noodles or rice.

Yummy! Bon appetit!

Monday 7 July 2014

Cucumber Salad Asian Style


To make Asian style cucumber salad is not very complicated even though some of the cooking ingredients sometime hard to find. But you can make it as simple as you want by skip some ingredientd as per your taste.

This Malay style cucumber salad commonly served along with other spicy Malaysian dish. Same goes with Thai cucumber salad which is normally eaten as one of the main dishes together with plain rice or glutinous rice depending on the certain region in Thailand and Laos.

So, today I will shared 2 recipes of cucumber salad, Malay and Thai style.



1 cucumber
2-3 bird eye chilli
1 shallot
1 tablespoon crush peanut
1 tablespoon dried shrimp
1/2 teaspoon shrimp paste
Salt and sugar to taste


- Sliced cucumber thinly.
- Pound shallot, chilli, dry shrimp and shrimp paste.
- Mix all ingredients together and taste with salt and sugar.
- Serve immediately or chill before serve.



1 cucumber, shredded
1 tomato, cut small
2-3 bird eye chilli
2 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon dried shrimp
1/2 teaspoon shrimp paste
1 tablespoon lime/ lemon juice
1 tablespoon fish sauce
1 tablespoon crush peanut
Salt and brown sugar to taste


- Pound garlic, chilli, dry shrimp and shrimp paste.
- Mix all ingredients together and taste with salt and sugar.
- Serve immediately.

Enjoy Asian style salad. Bon appetie!

Sunday 6 July 2014

Vanila Sponge Cake


I was searching and googling for a simple and easy sponge cake and today I tried one of the simple recipe of sponge cake and it came out well. I just spread with a thick layer of Nutella in the middle and somehow the combination of sponge and nutella tasted just right. Sure I will make it again in the future and I will try to layer with thicker whipped cream and fresh fruits.

Here is the recipe of super easy sponge cake.



2 eggs
80gm sugar
80gm all purpose flour
1 teaspoon vanila extract


- Preheat oven 180°.
- In a large bowl, whisk the egg for a few second just lightly.
- Add sugar and using the electric whisk, whisk the mixture for at least 5-10 minutes until the color of mixture turn out almost white.
- Take a sieve and gently add the flour and vanila extract.
- Using a spoon, fold flour into egg mixture until all mixed together nicely.
- Pour the cake mixture into a greased small cake pan and bake for 20-25 minutes.
- To check if the cake is ready, just lightly press on it with finger and if it bouncy it is ready.
- Allow to cool before spread the nutella or with any flavour of your choice.


Saturday 5 July 2014

Pasta with Prawns Tomato Sauce


We ate pasta at least once a week at home. Italian food for instance is all about pasta and pizza. I like to cook pasta with prawns, vegetables or sometimes just pasta with tomato sauce. It's simple and easy yet delicious.

Made this pasta last week and I am trying to be a little bit creative with pasta dishes and I love recipes like this one.



1/2 packet dry tagliatelle
300gm prawns
1 shallot, chopped
4 cloves garlic, chopped
4 tablespoon tomato ketchup
1/2 teaspoon dried chilli flake or paprika
2 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
Olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste


- Cook pasta following packet directions. Drain.
- Heat olive oil in frying pan and fry garlic, shallot and chilli until fragrant.
- Add prawns and cook for 2-3 minutes.
- Add in tomato ketchup and taste with salt and pepper. Cook for another minute.
- Add pasta and parsley and toss to coat.
- Sprinkle with parmesan cheese to serve.

Delicieux! Bon appetit et bon weekend!

Friday 4 July 2014

Fish Ginger with Spring Onion


When it comes to seafood, prawns is my all time favorite and fish was my second favorite. We all know that fish are good and mon mari loves fish more than what I do. I remembered my mom and my sister always cooked fish beautifully and I still adore they cooking and had the sense to use simple recipes that tasted just fine.

Personally I prefer eating just pan-fried fish or grill fish because it's simple and tasty. But, this fish ginger with spring onion recipe is not only delicious, also quite easy to prepare. Let me share one of the authentic Chinese food  here.



300gm fish fillet, any kind of fish as your prefer
3-4 stalks spring onion, (cut about 5cm lengths)
1 shallot, sliced
4 cloves garlic, chopped
5cm ginger, slice thinly
2 tablespoon light soy sauce
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 teaspoon corn flour ( mix with 3 tablespoons water)
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Oil for frying


- Marinate fish fillet with salt and 2 tablespoon of corn flour for at least 20 minutes.
- Fry fish fillet each side but not to break them until it's cook. Set aside.
- With the remaining little oil in wok, sautee garlic, shallot and ginger until fragrant.
- Add a little bit of water and spring onion and stir fry for a minute.
- Add in soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil and taste with salt and pepper.
- Add fish and pour with corn flour mixture to thicken the sauce.
- Dish out and serve hot with steamed rice.

Voila, bon appetit!

Thursday 3 July 2014

Layer Biscuits Cheesecake

Bonsoir a tous,

Time flies so fast. It's July now and summer holiday is here again. We will be taking a summer vacation soon and it's time to take a break, rest and relax at least for few weeks. And yes, perhaps there are also times to take a rest from blogging...

Alors, few days ago I've made this Layer Biscuits Cheesecake for third time now. Somewhere I think the method of this layer cheesecake quite similar as Tiramisu, instead of using ladyfinger biscuits to dip with coffee, this recipe use butter biscuits to dip with milk. The recipe is very simple and easy to prepare. It may look messy and imperfect when slicing but the taste I'm sure will not be disappointed!



2 packet butter biscuit or any kind of biscuit flavour
400gm cream cheese
1/2 can sweetened condensed milk
1 cup warm milk
1/2 cup cereal or shredded cheese for topping


- Beat cream cheese and condensed milk untill smooth.
- Dip the biscuits into warm milk for a second and arrange in the cake pan.
- Spread the biscuits with the cream cheese and drizzle with cereal all over the cheese layer.
- Repeat the layering process again until finish.
- Cover with wrapping and refrigerate for at least 3-4 hours.

Enjoy and bonnes vacances a tous!

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Creamy Butter Prawn


Butter Prawns. This butter prawns were so creamy and delicious. My family loves prawns and this is by far become our most favorite dish. Chilli or dry butter prawns is my first choice but mon mari prefers the creamy butter prawn because the little curry leaves cook with butter prawns will add extra aroma and enrich the taste of the dish. Curry leaves are essential to butter prawn!

Alright, let's try this super easy butter prawn recipe and it's finger licking delicious.



500gm medium prawns
2 tablespoon butter
1 can evaporated milk
A handful of fresh curry leaves
3 cloves garlic, minced
2-3 bird's eye chilli, chopped
2 tablespoon corn flour
Salt and pepper to taste
Oil for deep frying


- Marinate the prawns with corn flour and salt for 20 minutes.
- Heat oil in wok and deep frying the prawns until just cooked and keep aside.
- Remove oil from wok and add butter and stir fry garlic, chilli and curry leaves until fragrant.
- Add evaporated milk and cook over a low heat until sauce slightly thickens. Season with salt and pepper.
- Add prawn and stir constantly for a minute.
- Turn off the heat and ready to serve.

Enjoy and bon appetit!

Happy New Year 2024

 Hello,  Well, just a short update to wish everyone a very happy new year 2024.  Wishing everyone a joyous new year full of love, hope and p...

About Me

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Salut, je suis une personne ouverte et facile à vivre! I love cooking and spending time in the kitchen. Although I love to cook, I'm still learning a lot by watching cooking shows and reading cookbooks. Since cooking is my passion, I also love to sharing it with others and learning new things every day in every way. For me, home cooking should be simple, easy yet so tasty.