Monday 29 July 2019

Matcha With Mascarpone And Spéculoos


There are many ways to enjoy a dessert, from cakes to cookies and from jelly to a mini dessert in a glass, these easy matcha with mascarpone and spéculoos requires no baking at all. This is the kind of dessert that we can enjoy the most during summer when the heat waves becoming more frequent this few weeks.

With all this hot weather we've been having right now, all I want to eat is a cold dessert, an ice cream or just eating seasonal fruits such as mangoes and melons. Besides, those fruits are good for health.



Speculoos cookies or graham cracker crumbs
250g mascarpone cheese
200ml heavy cream
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon matcha green tea powder
1/4 cup hot water


- Mix matcha tea with hot water and stir until smooth, set aside.
- In a medium bowl, beat the heavy cream with sugar until the cream forms soft peaks.
- Add mascarpone cheese and matcha, beat until fully combined.
- Layer the ingredients in a glass. Sprinkle with grated white chocolate and chill before serving.

Enjoy matcha with mascarpone!

Wednesday 24 July 2019



It has been quite some time since I made waffle, I think it was three years ago. I almost forget that I had a waffle maker at home. So, this afternoon I've made a quick and easy waffle for our tea time snack. Waffle often eaten for breakfast but I think waffle can make the perfect afternoon tea snack as well.

These easy homemade waffle tastes great even without any fruit sauce, maple syrup or honey because there are raisins in it. Just a simple basic waffle and a cup of tea would be good enough for me.



1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup rice flour
2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 egg
1 cup milk
1 tablespoon butter, melted
2-3 tablespoons raisins


- In a medium bowl, whisk together flours, sugar and baking powder.
- Add in egg and milk, whisk until smooth and add the melted butter and raisins.
- Let the batter sit for 15 minutes.
- Scoop batter into the preheated waffle maker and cook until golden brown or crispy.


Wednesday 17 July 2019

Mango Parfait


When the weather is hot outside, one thing we need is a little bit of cold drinks, ice cream or a simple dessert like mango parfait. Since mango and other seasonal fruit are quite cheap right now, it's a time for me to make an easy and quick dessert anytime during this summer season.

Last week I bought two mangoes and let one mango over ripe just to make these mango parfait. It was really good, so refreshing and perfect dessert for summer.



1 mango
Spéculoos or graham cracker crumbs
200ml heavy cream
150gm cream cheese
1 tablespoon sugar


- Puree the mango until smooth, set aside and left some slices of mango for garnish.
- Beat the heavy cream with sugar until the cream forms soft peaks and add cream cheese, just beat until fully combined.
- Layer the ingredients in a glass.

Enjoy mango parfait, perfect for summer!

Friday 12 July 2019

Fried Fish With Mango Salad


Mangoes are quiet cheap during summer season and it's a time for me to buy two or three mangoes once or twice a week. I tried to make the most of the mango season before it's over or getting expensive again. I love mango, any kind of mangoes, I just love it. Raw or ripe mango, there's always something we can do with it.

Last night I've made Thai style fried fish with mango salad, it was so good and it reminds me of the authentic taste of mango fish that I had in Thailand long time ago.



200g fish fillet
1/4 cup flour
1/4 cup rice flour
1/4 cup corn flour
1/2 mango, shredded
1 shallot, sliced
1-2 red chilies, chopped
2-3 tablespoons palm sugar
2-3 tablespoons fish sauce
1 lime juice


- Mix together all flours and season with salt and pepper.
- Divided the flour mixture in half and mix one of them with cold water to make a smooth batter.
- Heat up oil in a wok or saucepan for deep frying.
- Dip fish fillet in the batter, then place in the flour mixture, turn to coat.
- Fry fish until lightly brown, drain on paper towels.
- In a small bowl, mix together palm sugar, fish sauce and lime juice.
- Add shredded mango and chili, stir thoroughly until everything is mixed together.
- Pour salad over the fried fish and serve.

Enjoy the Thai style mango fish!

Tuesday 9 July 2019

Stir Fried Okra With Egg


Okra or ladies' fingers or in Malay we called "bendi" has become one of my favourite vegetables lately. The easiest way to cook okra is stir fry because these vegetables are slimy or gooey when it cooked. To avoid okra from gets slimy, okra needs to be perfectly wash and dry before slice it and stir fry and cook over high heat just for a couple of minutes.

I've been asked by someone in the market not long ago on how to cook okra. I've explained it pretty clear how to prepare okra in the first place before cook it. This is my way of preparing and cooking okra, after all everyone has their on way on how they do things.



A bunch of okras, wash and dry
2 cloves garlic, sliced
1 small chili, chopped
1 egg
Salt and pepper to taste


- Slice okras into small pieces.
- Heat little oil in a pan or wok and fry garlic and chili until fragrant.
- Add the egg and stir quickly until just set.
- Add okras, season with salt and pepper and quickly stir fry over high heat for a couple of minutes.

Bon appetit!

Saturday 6 July 2019

Rhubarb Pie


When our neighbor gave us a bunch of rhubarb last week, I was thinking what to do with it, since I'm not a big fan of rhubarb. In my mind, the only thing I can do is to make a rhubarb pie. Someone put a smile when I say I'm going to make an old fashioned tarte à la rhubarbe. Simple and easy are always the best. Mon mari said the pie was so good and it was a perfect rhubarb pie indeed.

Since pâte brisée or shortcrust pastry are cheaper here, it can be easier to just buy it from the supermarket and at the same time it was quick and I can bake it straight into the oven. This basic rhubarb pie recipe is just the way french make tarte à la rhubarbe in spring or summer. Easy-peasy..



1 store-bought shortcrust pastry (pâte brisée)
500g rhubarb
2 eggs
100g sugar
200ml heavy cream


- Wash and cut rhubarb into small chunks.
- Mix rhubarb with 2 tablespoons sugar, mix well and macerate for 1 hour or overnight. Drain the excess liquid.
- Preheat oven to 180°.
- Place the shortcrust pastry over a pie pan and place the rhubarb evenly.
- In a medium bowl, whisk together the egg, sugar and cream.
- Pour the egg mixture over the rhubarb and bake for 40-45 minutes.
- Sprinkle with sugar before serve.

Enjoy the summer tarte à la rhubarbe!

Happy New Year 2024

 Hello,  Well, just a short update to wish everyone a very happy new year 2024.  Wishing everyone a joyous new year full of love, hope and p...

About Me

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Salut, je suis une personne ouverte et facile à vivre! I love cooking and spending time in the kitchen. Although I love to cook, I'm still learning a lot by watching cooking shows and reading cookbooks. Since cooking is my passion, I also love to sharing it with others and learning new things every day in every way. For me, home cooking should be simple, easy yet so tasty.